Told Hanna to strike a pose and this is what I got.
Told Hanna to strike a pose and this is what I got.
Hanna's favorite place to watch tv is in our bed. She "bee-yaxed" (relaxed) for a bit this morning while Haley had nap #1.
I put Hanna to work making a bracelet while I made lunch. We're going to throw her out on the corner soon as it warms up. She's sure to rake in a few bucks.
We made a ham and cheese quesadilla person for lunch. She was very tasty.
Haley was up to her same silly antics; pulling things out of drawers, ripping napkins into a million shreds (I don't know how she finds them), and apparently undressing herself.
I made Jason his own version of a cheese quesadilla person and took it to him upstairs. When I returned, I found Haley half undressed.
After lunch Hanna and I made some special ice cream cone shaped cupcakes while Haley was down for nap #2. Hanna seems to have outgrown napping these days. Some days I insist on it, other days I relish our time together w/o little bit.
We painted our toe nails while the cupcakes were in the oven.
Voila! A cupcake impersonating an icecream cone. Yum scrum!
We decorated them with Valentine's sprinkles. Was saving them for special Valentine's treats but no better time like the present to break out some sprinkles!
In a nutshell, that was our day. Not sure what tomorrow will bring as I'm sure we'll be shut-ins again all day. Haley is down for the night and I am enjoying a white Russian (the drink), hopefully the first of many. Hope you all had a fun-filled day stuck at home! What did you do?
Haley took her first steps Tuesday night! It was very exciting to watch her little chubby feet with outstretched arms as she waddled towards me. She's got the crawling down and has gotten pretty darn fast. And now she knows that she is somewhat capable of walking yet her prefered means of travel is still walking on her knees.
It's quite comical to watch her go from one side of the room to the other scuffing along on her knees. She's just so cute! As far as I'm concerned, she can take her time on the walking. She is hard enough to keep up with as it is!
And yes, a cyclone did come through our playroom that we still haven't recovered from.