Friday, April 16, 2010

I have the strangest girls....but I love 'em!

Of all the animals Hanna portrays I would have to say that without a doubt we encounter T-Rex the most. If she comes up to me with an angry roar (the girl has a gift, seriously) and I'm not really sure what animal she is, without uttering a word she flashes her two-fingered claw in my face and I immediately know to throw some meat her way.
As much as she loves dinosaurs I do not know for the life of me why she's never possessed a dinosaur puppet!!! We found one at our favorite lunch spot the other day, The Crumpet Tea Room. She named her T-Rex Sally as most of her animals are either Sally, Cally or Fa-lally (not sure how she spells that one). I am most intrigued by how this sweet little girl could be afraid of her own shadow yet willingly and happily share her bed with a yellow-eyed, sharp toothed dinosaur......
And then show up downstairs wearing a fancy tutu, tie-dye leggings, clappy shoes and a Dora tin purse. I just never know about this one.
I asked her wear she was going all dressed up......."Oh, I am going to lunch," she said. It's kind of like having a little girl AND a little boy at the same time. I love how she embraces her femininity but is also a snake loving (sorry Jason), frog loving (sorry Tran), dinosaur roaring, dirt digging, Cars fan, and lover of all creatures great and small, with the exception of spiders and I GLADLY take full credit for that one!
Haley is always on the hunt for sunglasses, jewelry, lipstick, lotion, purses, wipes, etc. Finding a tub of wipes or Wet Ones is like finding gold. She will take one in her chubby hand (I have yet to see a container that she cannot manipulate) and clean like there is no tomorrow; her face, her baby dolls & their "baw-baw's" (bottles), or any surface that needs cleaning.....or not.
She is very nurturing and reads to her babies all the time or makes them "baw-baw's." She says so many funny things in one day that I can't possibly write them all down. One thing she is doing lately that is so amusing.......she makes this "tcha" sound after completing a sentence or a word. I think that she feels like a big girl making that sound because I realize that I do that when I am reading to her.
I promise you that she did not wear a pretty peter-pan collared onsie all day with nothing on her bottom (I would never do that!). She had on the cutest little jean skirt and leggings to match earlier in the day. She kept pulling them off saying she was hot.
While I finished up on dinner Jason took them outside (they are glued to him after being gone for a week and a half!). Hanna wanted to put on rain boots and splash in puddles since it had rained and her little shadow wanted to do the same. Doesn't her fat little thigh evoke some nibbling?
Santa Claus brought this baby doll-sized pack & play for Haley's baby dolls but they seem to keep getting dumped on the floor for a much bigger baby. Even Hanna gets in there! I give it a couple more weeks before it buckles from the pressure!
She prefers to watch tv in this cramped up space while there is a perfectly comfy, empty couch right behind her. Like Hanna, she loves to pretend she is somebody she's not.......a baby. What would childhood be without any imagination?? I think my girls have plenty!


The Robinsons said...

one of my favorite posts! both your little girls are contradictions indeed. they keep me highly entertained! love them both.

Beth said...

I love this post too. They are soooo cute. I love the outfits they have on. I can't believe Haley is outside (not just in her onesie) but playing in the dirt in that white outfit!!!! j/k. I could eat them both up with a spoon.

Anonymous said...

I think this is one of my favorite posts. Dinosaur-gal...Sally, Cally and the made-me-laugh-out-loud Fa-lally. Hy-sterical! Those chubby little thighs on Haley, and seeing her all crammed in the baby pack-n-play. TOO CUTE.