Sunday, September 25, 2011

Back-to-school bash

The Clovercroft PTO had a little soiree of sorts at the school Friday evening in celebration of "Pony Up" week a.k.a. spirit week. Jason came home early from work with a migraine so we went sans Daddy. We went to our neighbor's house for pizza beforehand so we could load up on cotton candy later. All Haley really wanted was popcorn but when I went to get her some they were all out so she got a bag of Cheetos instead.

We bounced in the jumpy house, ate cotton candy, played with friends and got faces painted pretty much in that order. The first three activities took up about 30 minutes of our time while face painting was for the duration of our stay. I thought when we got in line that the estimated time might possibly be 20-30 min and while I know that even seems like a long time, it would have been welcomed. It ended up being more like 45 min to an hour.

I don't even know what took so long but after standing there for 20 min minutes it was out of sheer stubbornness that I wouldn't budge until we got our damn faces painted. And by "we" I mean Hanna & Haley; although, I did think about getting the word SUCKER painted on my forehead. By that time Haley said she would have some cotton candy as she didn't want any before. By the time we left, the metal bins of spun sugar were all emptied out.

We came home, watched Rio and ate popcorn and admired our painted faces for as long as we could before bedtime.

Hanna and Ella
Hanna was delighted to see Harry. I hear about this little guy more than anyone else from school. They sit together in class and in the lunchroom. She loves him! but says he's just a friend. Could he be any cuter??
After cotton candy but before face painting.
Hanna took a picture of us while in line. Note the half-full water bottle in my was empty by the end and I was very uncomfortable.

I think it was totally worth the wait......the things we do for our kids.

Spirit week

Last week was spirit week at Hanna's school and I am pretty sure it was as much fun for me (if not more) than it was for Hanna. I have fond memories from my school days of twin day, school spirit day, farmer day, etc. There will be many more spirit weeks over the next 12 years but I want to preserve these sweet memories of kindergarten for Hanna and for myself. Hopefully one day we can look back on these pictures together when senior year rolls around and we're arguing over what she's going to wear for Lady Gaga day.......and we'll have a good laugh together!

Wear all green day
Hat day
Crazy socks day....thought I struck gold when I found this top at Target to wear with her skirt!
Cowboy/girl day
Dress your best day & picture day

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Haley's 1st day of pre-K

Haley's first day of preschool FINALLY came. I think we were both ready! Our humid 99 degree weather has taken a the gloomy, rainy and cold weather you see here. Our back to school outfit that was planned had to take a back seat to som'in a little bit warmer. We even had to break out the rain coat!

She really was excited contrary to the forlorn expressions on her face. FYI- of all the choices she could have made on her backpack/lunch box she chose this blue w/ green piping set. Not saying it isn't adorable and all; I just figured she would've gone for the pinkest and prettiest of all the backpacks. I am certain she only chose blue to prove me wrong.... ;~)

She said the most favorite part of her 1st day at school was getting to play on the playground.

Labor Day weekend in Knoxville

Enjoying lunch on the dock.....having an intellectual conversation of sorts.
The mood quickly changed when they realized they were being photographed.
Haley jumped out of the pool most every 30 min to dance, so
eating a popsicle certainly didn't stop her.
Alex, Hanna and Blake hanging out with Miss Patty.
Blake sharing his silly bands with Haley.
Hanna posing with her cousin Alex.

We had high hopes of taking the boat to watch Boom's Day but Mother Nature said, "Nuh-uh." It steadily rained most all of Sunday afternoon. We stayed indoors, ordered pizzas and played games instead. Hanna was really sad that we didn't see the fireworks but fortunately they get over disappointment pretty quickly at this age. Maybe next year!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What H & H did while we were gone.....

Baked heart shaped sugar cookies with Aunt Lisa.

Haley got a pedicure.......
and then went to Chick-fil-A for lunch! After playing in the play area she came out and told Lisa, "I made some friends."
Aunt Lisa took Haley to her open house at Preschool and met her teacher Mrs. Sally and her assistant Mrs. Allison.
Haley got to have lunch with Nunu on her birthday.

Jason's sister Lisa flew in from S.C. to stay with the girls. Lisa's BFF Beth lives in the area and was able to come stay a few nights with them as well as Nunu! I am so glad she had a little help and some adult conversation! You know the funny & peculiar things that kids will say....especially when not in your presence?? Well, fortunately Lisa wrote them down & here are a few of the funnier moments.....

Haley: "I'm whining and Mom told me not to whine."

Haley kept telling Beth, "I want the babysitter now."

After singing "Jesus Loves the Little Children" with Lisa she asked, "What color am I?" Lisa said "yellow". Haley responded with, "No, I'm black."

Beth was brushing Haley's hair and told her she would try to be gentle. Haley said, "And I will try and be brave."

Hanna liked playing art teacher with Lisa and made an "art bin" for her to keep her art in. She was full of encouragement and told her, "Even if you do it wrong, it's perfect."

Hanna: "I think I will sleep with Haley."
Lisa: "Why?"
Hanna: "Because it will be fun times."

(My favorite)
Lisa and Haley were watching a beauty pageant on a local channel and Haley commented that she could do that. The announcer would say, "She loves swimming, playing with Barbies and gymnastics."
Haley: "I like those things too.....they should call my name next."

Haley: "We haven't played on the playground yet."
Lisa: "We played on the playground at Chick-fil-A."
Haley: "That's not a playground."
Lisa: "Some people would say that it is a playground."
Haley: "We are not some people."

Thank you Lisa for taking care of my little pearls!


Our first night at dinner.
View from our balcony.
In the Chandelier Bar in the Metropolitan. The COSMOpolitan, rather. Can't seem to get that in my head!
Hanging out at the was a cool 100 degrees:~)
After Heather and Marco tied the knot!
Having some lunch on our last day.
Best buds and now, officially brother's in law!